viernes, 3 de junio de 2022

Race, Empire and English Language Teaching

Dr. Motha discusses her book, Race, Empire, and English Language Teaching: Creating Responsible and Ethical Anti-Racist Practice. Published by Teachers College Press, the book is a 2015 Critics Choice Award winner as recognized by the American Educational Studies Association (AESA).

Race, Empire, and English Language Teaching is a timely and critical look at the teaching of English. The book shows how language is used to create hierarchies of cultural privilege in public schools across the United States. Drawing on the work of four ESL teachers who pursued anti-racist pedagogical practices during their first year of teaching, the author provides a compelling account of how new teachers might gain agency for culturally responsive teaching in spite of school cultures that often discourage such approaches. She combines current research and original analyses to shed light on real classroom situations faced by teachers of linguistically diverse populations.

CEHD PhD Colloquium With Dr. Suhanthie Motha from GMU-TV on Vimeo.

Here´s a link to the prologue and introduction of the book . Click HERE to download.

This is an article on Smithsonian magazine about Buenos Aires. Click HERE to read it.

If you´d like to leave a comment, I´d be pleased to read what you have to say.😎

In groups write a summary using a shared document (you have to create one for your group and name it using your surnames, please) in this folder
Here´s some information for you to learn how to write a successful summary in academic English.

Have a look at the following example:  Paraphrasing, quoting and summarising: Example of summary

Watch the following presentation : Characteristics of a Good Summary

Now you are ready to write your summary. Good luck!!!